Neville and harry fanfiction pregnant

Neville and harry fanfiction pregnant. A collection of one-shots about how our favorite Hogwarts men proposed to their significant others, and how the ladies revealed to their husbands that they are pregnant! Likely to include quite a few pairings mostly from Harry's generation, but also a few from the Marauders' and the next-gen. "It hurts. When it shot out, the numbers began to be written in air. Hermione Granger Bashing. Neville helped her with her dressing gown, then side-Apparated her downstairs. 1. Reposted A mishap in Potions class causes Harry, Draco, Severus, Sirius, Neville, Ron, Seamus and Dean to fall snigger pregnant. It was also done in “Debt of time” And Harry cured Longbottoms in “To shape and change”. Only the smallest hint of fragility was detectable in her tone. " Hermione answered, not taking her eyes off the potion. "Luna, there's something I need to ask you. The need to feel him was all he wanted. Femslash. Thank you, MM for giving me the courage to follow through with this plot bunny. Nellie knows better than to think it’s hers. Three Men, 1 Brunette, and a Baby. Percy stood up and said that he was proud he was going to be a dad and then in a few hours he gathered all of the guys ( Harry, Ron, Fred and George, Mr. Harry said with a grin. " Harry paused then continued saying ,"It doesn't matter. She took a deep breath. Summary: Draco, the sexy and devious devil that he is, has finally come up with a perfect plan to get Hermione as his permanently and look perfectly innocent at the same time…. Audrey and Percy. "No, no," Neville shook his head. He devised a potion to get Hermione Granger pregnant with his child—despite A few more details I can remember: Hermione is the main wife of Harry and Ginny the main wife of Neville (Ginny love Harry like a brother, had developped a crush on Neville and knew that she would be forced to marry Harry). Many of the students were allowed hands-on experience caring for their own plants, under the supervision of Hermione and Neville. Sitting alone on the bed, surrounded by white walls, and still astonished with the news, her mind recounted the exact words of the Healer. Warnings: None, except cuteness overload. What matters is you The MalfoyPotter Family by hpgeek512 reviews. " "You don't have to do this Harry. " She carefully stood up, with Neville hovering anxiously. "I'm fine. Infertility may be the one battle she and Neville can't win. "Everything is so messed up, Neville," she said softly. " Mhm, Draco!" Harry moans out, as the blonde, kissed his neck. Sequel to The Post It Stakeout LLNL. Premise: After Harry nicks a Time-Turner in order to save Sirius, reality starts shifting around him. The lives of a family of 10, the Malfoy-Potter family can only hope to survive everyday life with a set of twins and sextuplets. Of course, when said wife's water breaks on the new rug, that is something he isn't ready for. " Draco said, then he yawned. Mar 15, 2003 · Harry Potter and the Pregnancy Potion Chapter 2: The Beginnings of Hell Two weeks later. Harry shifts a bit, getting more comfortable to hold Draco to him, thanking Neville again when Amanda is put in his lap, snuggled between them. Harry groaned as he rubbed the growing migraine in his temples, he had no idea what the hell he was going to do now. "I know. Struggling with the physical demands of his pregnancy, Harry confides in Jasper, unaware of his true nature. Neville was smiling, smiling and crying. 15 votes, 11 comments. The couple split responsibilities almost fifty-fifty. Harry watched Neville carry the injured woman to Three Broomsticks alongside the distraught husband. At some point, Neville's hand snuck under the table and caught Ginny's again. Tonks and Lupin. A/n- My CPU now has a spell Check!! Harry Potter was found out to be four months pregnant yesterday, while this is good news, one cannot help, but wonder who the other father is. Co-owners Hermione and Neville Longbottom took pride in the combination of a nursery school and plant nursery. Astoria had decided to tell Draco by giving him a father's day card. After accepting another offer of wine I shuffled off to find Harry. The only reason why is because his best friend Hermione Granger cornered him in the common room and persuaded him to eat something. Staff and students say that Neville Longbottom had rushed to Harry's side when the young man started to go into labour. Harry Potter walks through the hallways of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, on his way to the Great Hall for dinner. ago. At Neville's raised brow, Harry answered with one word. Luna walked in to see Neville chatting to Professor Sprout, oblivious of the large woman standing a little too close. Author notes: Hello everyone! It is me again I have finally made the sequel to Fluffy, and cute written for one of the most neglected pairings in Harry Potter fanfiction. Contains slash. Girl-Who-Lived (Harry Potter) There is a portrait hanging above the chimney’s mantle in Gran’s parlor. It tingled everywhere it touched, like a feather against bare skin. Everyone at Hogwarts is preggers! A detective tries to get the truth out of the one man who may have the answers to the sudden pregnancy- Neville Longbottom. It didn't matter, in the confusion. Maybe he and Ron had snuck off to Neville's. Neville went and got them and brought them back to her. She cleared her throat. He was about to give her another prod, to broach it another way, when— "I'm pregnant," she whispered. Neville and Luna: A Love Story By: Andromeda2000. "Harry. He didn't bother to inform her that he has been throwing up Mar 15, 2003 · Harry Potter and the Pregnancy Potion By: Kitai Shinsei. " "Yes. M for later Chapters. Harry tried for the same threatening stare at Ginny, but he couldn't do it, and fought himself to keep his composure. Follow them through their love and their problems. A Hufflepuff girl is apparently in actual danger of dying after having suffered an unknown curse, which the healers are unable to reverse. The Journey to Harry by OnceUponAPotter reviews. "I'm good," she said. Sep 16, 2004 · The room felt hot, heavy and stuffy and Harry began to feel that he couldn't breathe. "I love you. Hermione Granger finds herself in a dire situation with no way out except through the two Slytherins she has mistrusted since she arrived at Hogwarts. true. MPREG. 12. Content Guidelines. When: Two and a half years Post-DH. In another, the decision to choose the Pure-blood Neville Longbottom would impact more than one life. She forced a smile and walked into the room after them. Dec 29, 2014 · Get notified when 16 and pregnant [Luna Lovegood fanfic] is updated. Unplanned By: Bicky Monster. There was no way Angelina could be pregnant, she was on the contraceptive drought. But can Neville answer to this baby apocalypse? And Then Came Baby Chapter 1: Life As We Know It, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. You're not leaving until I'm satisfied that you know everything I could possibly teach you of sex. Neville knew of Harry's story, about the link between the wands, but the feeling of the link pulsing through his and Harry's magic made his dizzy and a little nauseous. This is Deathly Hallows, through Neville's POV. All Harry ever wanted was a family and when Ginny announces she's pregnant, his dream is about to come true. Disclaimer: I own nothing. Their passionate relationship leads to Harry becoming pregnant with quintuplets, half-vampire and half-wizard. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,683 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 60 - Follows: 11 - Published: Jan 12, 2010 - Harry P. Add two of the potentially pregnant person's The man nodded, despite being obviously older, he was instantly calmed by Neville. Harry is a month early, but sources say that the baby boy is in very good health. Unexpected by Stars-and-Stones reviews. Main pairing is Snape/Neville. A/U NON CANON look at what could have happened in the Hogwarts 1994-95 school year if Harry had some support in his life that took no crap from certain wizards. I'm pregnant. Draco never tried to kill him, and never took the Dark Mark. "Sorry Harry," Neville told Harry ,"Are you alright?" "I'm…. Hermione hidden behind a huge tomb already, reading about magical pregnancies. Voldemort laughed and began pushing, experienced with this and clearly believing himself to be stronger. " With that a blushing Harry was left in the silence of the entrance area as Neville walked up the stairs to bed. Harry (fem) gets kidnapped from the train at end of her fifth year and she gets away about a month later. I don’t remember the names of any of them. Harry was more than a little perplexed— both by her attitude and her refusal to answer him. Exactly, and it doesn't have necessarily be Neville as the male, we could have a completely different Longbottom, because being female, Augusta probably wouldn't keep comparing her to her father, so the kid wouldn't have the same personality, which could be a "catalyst" to have a stronger friendship with Harry from the get-go, evolving into a romantic relationship later on. Harry grinned magnificently and stood up, slipping the ring onto her finger and kissing her. She giggled and slid them on. So, today, July 30th, happens to be Neville Longbottom's birthday. He looked like he had lost Trevor the toad- again. . The war has ended, and school is about to start (a couple of months later). Harry pointed his wand at Neville's robe to cast Aquamenti, the water charm, to put out the fire on the other boy's robe; but Neville's uncontrolled movements meant the jet of water missed. Mr. In the year and a half spent in time-dilation, the Grangers are there as well and use the opportunity to have another Beat Your Heart Out By: GleeGeneration23. Harry froze as he walked in the door. One particular day in late May saw the couple Five years after graduating Hogwarts, Neville and his wife Ginny have lost touch with their old friends. He rolls his eyes at the camera flash Books Harry Potter. At the memorial, Neville and Luna meet. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,145 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 4 Meanwhile Harry continued running. If you have any other suggestions, please review or PM me. Harry/Neville. It’s the portrait of a baby, perhaps one year old at most, with chubby cheeks and a round face, a large mouth that always seems to laugh and blonde hair. " Draco whispered in his lovers ear, making him moan and shiver in need. Harry dripped a drop of Malfoy's blood into the flask, the contents hissing at the added ingredient. Harry pulled out his flask of Polyjuice. They broke apart and grinned stupidly at each other, too blissfully happy to think. . Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, I do, however, love the universe and decided to play around a bit. But its quintessentially an embodiment of the phrase "its not the destination that matters, but the journey getting there. " And he kissed her again, already looking forward to planning the wedding. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance Part 1. The hard part was over, but she still needed to repair the damage done by the poison. Bella is in Forks with the Cullen's who she despises all but Alice and Jasper who are helping her. " linkffn (Victoria Potter): probably heard of this one, but its one of the most canon-like but after seeing Harry somehow increase the intensity in his glare, he muttered a sheepish "g'bye then. Harry tiredly stood up from the table when everyone was finished and said, "If it's okay, I need to lie down for a while. "A little girl. I had barely seen him all party and I missed him. This story will contain SLASH, guy on guy. - Chapters: 47 - Words: 30,519 - Reviews: 140 Angelina and George. - Words: 2,696 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 98 - Follows: 36 - Published: Apr Silver Chains By: Alex Moss. The Healer left the flat quietly, leaving a small picture of their scan. Neville jumped and Augusta recognized the look on his face. Obsidian Eyes SSHG By: Severus Sortiarius. At first, she only wants to amuse herself with the young Dark Lord. - Complete. Jily. Their wedding. RAPE AND TORTURE WARNINGS. But now she's back at Hogwarts- during the time Tom Riddle is attending school. Lily L Potter/Lysander Scamander, Albus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy. It's just to make sure, she thought to herself. Her long red hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, and her eyes were sparkling in delight. Feb 7, 2008 · A/N: Dumbledore never died. Neville/Hannah. " Neville nodded, steadying himself for what was going to happen in but a few minutes. The only reason she was taking this test was to put her mind to rest. Potter has refused to tell people who he is. Molly and Arthur. :"Your slipper, Princess Rose," said Neville, kneeling down to help her put them on. Harry looked up as Neville sat beside him. Ever since the end of the war, the press had been hounding her, she rarely left Grimmauld Place nowadays. "Okay, I've got an idea. Neville came out of Botched Chapter 1: Botched, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. "Dada," came the happy talk from Nathaniel, his bright green eyes shining with When Neville proposed, Hermione said yes. " The owls swept down dropping bringing the morning mail and papers. CRACK FIC YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. She had chosen to get a muggle pregnancy test as it was easier than being caught trying to find a pregnancy test spell or asking Madam Pomfrey. AlinaAlexandrovna. Hermione in Ginny's". He had to tell Neville. [Trigger Warning] Aug 9, 2020 · Breathing a sigh of relief, Hermione turned back to Neville. Rating: PG-13. Been there. By DigiFruit. If there were two things that Draco Malfoy never thought he would have after the war, it was the chance to find a partner who would love him and to have a family of his own. Neville suddenly realized what Madam Pomfrey must have assumed and felt himself turn scarlet. Neville started to get up. Neville tapped her belly gently, before saying "Our little princess". Needless to say this is non-cannon, au. Join Draco, Harry, Nathan, Alex, Leelah, Hayden, Jacob, Hope, Bethany, and Lucian through their lives as a family of ten. Soon Harry stopped. Harry covered his mouth to stop the giggles from escaping. "Because!" Ron shouted, giving him a shove to the chest. Chapter 1: James Sirius. He was the godfather to Ted Remus "Teddy" Lupin, the son of his late friends Remus Lupin and his wife Nymphadora Tonks. "Neville…" "Oh, for goodness sake, child!" I snap, clomping the walking stick on the ground. " She turned towards her dresser, and opened the Draco and Harry get an unexpected invitation to meet for lunch at Severus's quarters. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 20,333 - Reviews: 293 - Favs: 469 - Follows: 135 - Updated: Mar 15, 2003 Oct 10, 2011 · cried Ginny Potter, obviously excited at sharing the news with her husband. Harry returned to the common room, headed straight for his dormitory, and was followed instantly by a very worried-looking Ron and Hermione. Neville's face broke out into a grin, whilst Professor Sprout looked somewhat annoyed. Jun 30, 2015 · Books Harry Potter. Tears glistened in his eyes and Harry lifted a hand, rested it gently against Neville's cheek and wiped away a few tears there. Harry, Ron and Hermione sat eating breakfast Sunday morning. Mostly Ginny's point of view. But I think there are a couple more that I’ve read. Being gay and having the unfortunate luck of siding with the losing and wrong side of the war would have ensured that. A Harry Potter Oneshot. The darkness broke free and wrapped Harry in its embrace, as the teen fell into unconscious; he fell towards the floor of the potions lab. Tea. Ginny, too, was picking at her food, only nibbling on a piece of toast before shoving the tray away. Trying to keep his rambunctious wife on bedrest is a task Neville Longbottom is prepared for. "I love you, Ginny," Harry said. Weasly) and told them that he was going to propose to her. The twins will be sleeping in Ron's room. Then Harry turned to deal with the Death Eaters, who he had disarmed. Main parings are H/DG/LL/FD and NL/HrG. Tom noticed the three, and realised that they had just separated from the twins, "Good afternoon, Lord Potter. Harry chased after the playful little boy as he toddled around on his short little legs. Ginny P. The Epilogue never happened, it is made of evil. " Neville muttered, not able to meet Hermione gathered everyone in the kitchen and told them that she was pregnant. One-Shot!VeelaDraco! Slash, M-Preg! Harry/Draco, Severus/Remus, Neville/Luna. Oct 13, 2012 · Harry asked hopefully, his ears perking up with home. The green aura was the last of that energy, all of the magical energy Harry had was going to his child. " Draco put his hand on the boy's shoulder. m. Settling back into the chair again, Hermione took a few moments to centre herself. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Ron W. Rating- PG-13. Mon, Dec 29, 2014. Hermione/Bellatrix. Harry can't take it anymore. Harry Potter is currently residing in the hospital wing of Hogwarts. In fact, if anything, it would encourage positive thoughts and give his student a new perspective. He needs Draco. Maternus Interruptus By: FlowersInAdversity. Just somewhere far far away. Rated: Fiction T - English - Harry P Krum asked, raising an eyebrow. " I can see that you like this. There is even a rumour that young Harry Potter is actually Neville, Harry and Hermione entered the Leaky Cauldron, and as they entered, the patrons stopped talking and looked over at the trio. Post canon non Epilogue compliant. If that wasn't bad enough she awakens weeks later and learns that not only has her memory been tampered with but she is pregnant Hermione had been sick lately and he was getting worried. " Harry grinned at the image of Severus being forced to sit and have a tea party, and having to wear a tiara and gloves. And he can't hide it anymore. I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant By: That Person You Wanna Punch. Angelina walked into the bathroom and ripped open the seal of the muggle pregnancy test. James never thought his family's male bearer trait would ever be something to worry himself about, until a prank goes wrong in 5th year. It was early morning, and Astoria had just woken up. Her and Ron had been trying for children since James, Harry and Ginny's son, had been born. Ginny makes an appearance. When she gave birth, Neville was filled with joy at his child. I shouldn't have asked. Remus started choking on his food, and he looked absolutely shocked. V. The next day. Slash. Chapter three: Potter is Pregnant. You usually won't stop talking. So Harry, being the only one aware of it, sets out to find out what went wrong. His wedding. Draco pointed at Harry's over-large belly and the sleeping baby in the pram. Molly needed a way to tell Arthur. After saving a life Bellatrix finds a home with one of the most unlikely people. Bellatrix, after surviving the Battle of Hogwarts stumbles upon a scene she would never have imagined. "Oh, if it's about next week, I-". Madam Pomfrey returned with two breakfast trays, though Neville found he wasn't very hungry. Ron doesn't interrupt Harry and Ginny before the wedding and Ginny falls pregnant. Oneshot, mpreg, slash, birth, etc. Less than serious fic about Ron and the surprises he finds at his Hogwarts graduation. Harry James Potter was one exception to this. When Hermione gets pregnant, she knows that Harry will insist on marrying her, thus exposing their relationship that was kind of an open secret at the time. Right. Turning to look at Harry over his shoulder Neville looked at Harry with loving and caring eyes making Harry blush. Luna cleared her throat and both heads snapped towards hers. "Harry, please, just because Ron was being an ass hole before, please don't make me do this!" Another time Harry used his super-OP-parselmagic to make a potion to help them. Hermione hadn't told Ron that she thought that she was pregnant, because she didn't want to She was pregnant. Harry, however, refuses to conceal their relationship any longer and begins the planning for their wedding. Luckily at that moment Neville ran to Harry bumping into him. "July 14th, 11:11 p. "Oh, Harry, I love you too. Chapter one. " He made no move to move. He sighed and kneeled before her, taking both of her hands. " Fathers day 2005, a week after Astoria found out. " Hermione announced aloud, her face scrunched up in confusion. The eight men stood or sat nervously in Dumbledore's office, staring about at the pictures of various past heads of Hogwarts, and the other interesting things Dumbledore had in his office. He didn't know where he was going. When the magic is used, like Harry's was, it drains the baby as well. Draco and Harry stared at him for a moment. He had known without needing to be told, but he still had to check. " Tonks realized that it would be best to just get it over with and tell him. Botched By: fluffy-subtext. Stolen and Pregnant By: Ihatechoosinganame. After he faints in class Madam Pomfrey has a reason to his problems, but its a very surprising and complicated one. She put two scoops of crushed nargle toenails. Turned into a werewolf at fifteen, Harry, afraid of what he has become and the lack of control he has over himself and his new wolf, flees from the wizarding worldright into the territory of alpha werewolf Fenrir Greyback, who is overly eager to find the submissive wolf in the heart of his territory when Harry thought it was a bit ridiculous, but Neville thought it had certain merit. , Neville L. Luna finally found a compartment on Hogwarts Express after not one, but five different people had kicked her out of theirs. Of Post Its and Pregnancy By: Mrs. One day, he's not the Boy Who Lived, and the next, magic doesn't even exist. Mon, Dec 29, 2014 #522 nuna. Books Harry Potter. Neville's Pov. Virgin Pregnancy ch. "Thank you. The birth of a child is said to be one of the most wonderful times in a wizard's life. He was instructing a Ravenclaw student on how to remove Venomous Tentacula seeds while thinking about his plan. " Astoria said, "I have something for you. Harry and Ron had decided not to argue her researching, since she had spent The door swung open and I stumbled forward to capture Neville's lips with my own. After defeating Voldemort, She travelled through time and met many people. Harriet 'Harry' Potter cursed as she stared at the pregnancy test in her hands. COMPLETE. Suddenly, the conversations turned to questions about Harry and Hermione's engagement. " Arin Potter- now Arin Thestrin, has been the Master of Death for a very long time. Lily Potter has discovered that she is pregnant but at only 15 years old she fears what her family will say and what this means for her future. "Happy Christmas, Neville. She'd clearly heard the question. Hermione, I dare you to make out with Neville for five minutes," laughed Harry who wanted to get back at Ron. Lily and James. AU of Book 7 and the birth of James Sirius Potter. Alica and Frank. The brunette's life spirals out of her control as she faces the demons of her trauma at Malfoy Manor and the one person there for her is the last one she expected. Rated: Fiction M - English - Chapters: 2 - Words: 9,377 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 212 - Follows Threesomes, Plural Marriage. "We can't move very fast, you know. "Good morning, my lovely Astoria. However, it seemed like someone out there was linkffn (The Long Journey Home): is quite honestly my favorite fem!Harry story in the whole fandom, even if it meanders a bit. While at Hogwarts they run into a few old friends and receive the major shocks of their lives when. April 19th 2003 Hermione's Pregnancy By: DarkSorcerer888. Through his marriage to Ginevra Weasley, the sister of his best Harry and Neville share a look before Harry kisses Draco's forehead, thanking Neville softly when the other man closes the album and gently takes it from Harry. Luna's blue eyes dilated, and she looked confused. She really wanted it to turn green. Summary: Every action has a consequence, this is Neville's. "No, Neville. Title- A Light in the Dark. When Hermione became pregnant, Neville was right beside her, fighting off Ron. Harry Potter's health however is very poor. " Harry grabbed his arm. Delight in Whatever Remains By: greenschist. Hannah feels she has spent half her life smiling in her friends' faces as they became parents and then crying behind closed doors. "Morning, Draco. A smart, well educated Harry taught by Goblins, Elves, and unnamed Wizards. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Luna L. So I thought I'd write a fic dedicated to Hogwarts' #1 Badass. With the help of Auror Dean Thomas, the crime is finally solved. Neville picked up an ornate silver frame, and slid the photo inside "The first of many photographs of our little girl" Neville sighed happily, as he embraced his wife. Luna and Rolf. Ginny, Luna, Susan, Bella get pregnant before Harry leaves for his mission, Neville leaves for Hogwarts and Draco and Blaise leave to go into hiding. Neville/Luna, Post-DH, ignores the Epilogue of evil. "You got Hermione pregnant!" the whole Great Hall went quiet, their eyes growing wide and moving back from Ron to Krum to Hermione. Chapter 1: Prologue. Neville and Luna's Wedding-27th July 2004. Many people think that the other father may have been a boyhood fling and nothing serious. And Then Came Baby By: dreamwriter32. A happy laugh came from the little boy, and a deeper grown up one came from Harry. "Bastard," muttered Ron as he watched a thoroughly over-excited Neville make his way over to a rather pale Hermione. An idea popped into her head, she looked at the clock, 3:30, she had two and a half hours to make her idea a reality. "Polyjuice. Though saddened by the memory, there was an underlying happiness in that smile, and Harry knew he'd picked the right present. Author- Space Faerie. The Tribulation of the Blue Moon by StarLight_Massacre. Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride. A burst of blue surrounded Ginny, sliding over her belly, around her back and along her neck over her head. When Hermione because the Minister, Neville visited her at lunch to make sure she ate Harry and Neville's unborn baby was beginning to die because of this, the magical energy of a male 'mother' helped to keep the baby alive. At Hogwarts and in a world at war, Ginny must battle to keep herself and Harry's baby safe: Massive AU. He saw Ginny, sitting on the sofa, cuddled into Neville and giving him a concerned look and wished, not for the first time, that things had worked out differently between A Life Changing Halloween By: MSgt SilverDollar and Snake. Protecting Life By: Radiant Arabian Nights. It was very rare that Neville swore. "I'm pregnant" Tonks said. " Molly looked at the pregnant young man and said, "of course it is Harry dear, I made up Percy's old room for you and Neville to sleep in. When Cori was eleven, they still loved her when she didn't receive her letter. Neville glanced over at Harry, who gave him a small nod. She learned the girl's name but quickly forgot it. May 20, 2015 · Neville jumped away from the overturned cauldron and somehow set the hem of his robe on fire. Sanctuary. Chapter One: Suspicions. A botched potion changes Neville's life, and it wasn't even one he messed up! Rated M for some serious scenes in the first chapter and rated T for the rest. "Never mind Harry. Events while the golden trio was on the run have led to Hermione seeking a potion from Professor Snape. "Neville, I think now would be a good time to brew those teas I brought. Mpreg. She pulled the bedsheet up to his chest, making sure to keep his arm above the covers. "Luna, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. Characters/Pairings: Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood. In one world, Lord Voldemort, after hearing of a prophecy that spelled his downfall, decides to act and kill the half-blood Harry Potter, leading to events that would send him to the grave. Summery- Snape has not been feeling well, hes been throwing up and hes always tired, hes just not himself. Meanwhile, new student Bella Swan gets caught up in the world of vampires, including Jasper's family. "She likes me, not you!" Krum stated, whipping out his wand. When she escapes, she brings with her something that would change her future. Ginny was standing at the kitchen table, with the healer's note on the table, ready for him to read. After their wedding, how is Harry going Harry Potter + Twilight Crossover. Audrey was sitting on the floor of the bathroom mixing a pregnancy potion. • 1 yr. She sat down quietly and read the Quibbler It was just the two, Harry and Neville, left. Hannah and Neville. He got up and started pacing the room while muttering "no, it can't be At eight o' clock, the four of them filtered into the Great Hall and found a table together with Dean and his date, a girl Ginny couldn't place. " Neville apologised, and then doubled over, gasping for breath. " and walked out the front door, before he quickly apparated away from Harry's glaring eyes. Finally catching up with him, Harry grabbed the boy gently and swung him up into the air. White meant that the spell had worked, green meant that she was pregnant, and yellow meant that it was too early to tell what gender it was. Now, years later, he's faced with marriage, pregnancy, war, and a prophecy that may just spell their child's death. I heard the sound of retreating footsteps and I mumbled a thanks for bringing me Neville. " Please, I need you. Now Neville remembers what happened in his seventh year and beyond, and something unexpected brings the six friends together again. The room began to sway in front of Harry's vision, the darkness of unconscious began to claw its way up. Remus asked, "you haven't said anything. " Neville said quietly. O. HarryPotter12. I'm sorry I asked, I'll leave you alone. Albus and Scorpius along with James and his friends find a way to feed Yaxley a dose of Veritaserum. A Birth at the Hogwarts Graduation By: Draco'sFictitiousWifey. He had known, he knew the night afterwards, he had felt the change, the change in his body and the change in his magic. --. nr xx mr kf fm wq gz mx hi fc